quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2016

That is, an electromagnetic relativity, and also quantum involving agents and quantum elements in an electromagnetic system.

Graceli's quantum relativistic electromagnetodynamics.
Electromagnetic relativity.
Integrated gravielectromagnetic relativity, of materials, and quantum agents.
[Graceli quantum-relativity].

The Graceli transelectromagnetism.

The transselectromagnetism in this case is not based on the emission and propagation carried out by currents, charges, or spins densities, but in transformations in other forms of energies, their entropies and effects, interactions and entanglements and parities, taking into account the potentials of Energies, types of materials, and phases of radioactivity, radioisotopes as some gases in the kinetic movements through their thermal, electric, magnetic, entropic, and kinetic, charge, and structural changes in particles [as is normal if Confirms in isotopes and their changes occurring between tritium, deuterium and hydrogen.

And where even conductivity in a system with minimal thermal energy still has conductivity and magnetism present, however, it depends on the effects of Graceli (Graceli-35, for conductivity).

Where physical and quantum and entropic agents are also taken into account.

Relativity occurs both in the variations of electricity in media and in space undergoing the influences of gravity, because it permeates all space, and has a variational and deformative action by curving both light and electricity, and all fields.

Where all the curvature leads to a variability according to the angle and velocity in this curvature, forming a centrifugal system.

That is, another relativity [the gravi-electromagnetic] arises, another dynamics and mechanics. And it disputes the relativity where the light presents itself as constant, because in this case the light becomes variational.

Another point is the very essence involving electromagnetic, thermal, as well as radioisotope and radioactive entropies, or even the entropy and transformation potential of the agents involved, such as mercury and iron, tritium and deuterium and hydrogen, polonium and uranium and cesium.

And these agents in the relation with the phenomena and quantum agents where in each situation one has the potentials of entanglements, parities, interactions, transformations and potentials of charges and their momentums.

That is, an integrated system with and in three fundamental types of relativities.

The action of gravity and the inconstancy of the speed of light.
The agents and materials involved and their potential pattern stages of energies and transformations.
And the quantum agents involved as entanglements, parities, potentials and types and momentums of charges. And other agents.

That is, three relativities forming an integrated, and challenging, the restricted and the general. Where the very curvature of space time and gravity determine that the curved light becomes variable, not being constant.

On the electromagnetism of Graceli it is confirmed that the Graceli's laws are variables for means, agents, entropies, thermal variations, material variations, and variations of agents and quantum phenomena.

That is, a relativism within the own electrodynamics and electromagnetism, that is, a variational system that challenges the theories and functions of Maxwell. And it opens the way to another quantum electrodynamics, that is, quantum gravitational magnetism.

One of the ways that contests one of Maxwell's equations is that there is no vacuum. For, however closed a medium is, it will always consist of charges and gravity.

Another is that every system is found in random and indeterminate oscillatory entropies, that is, the dynamic nature influencing on electromagnetism, and on the electromagnetic dynamics.

And another is that currents and conductivity will depend on the conditions of the agents and materials proposed by Graceli above, where temperature, density, material types, potentials, potential and patterns of dilations and entropies are taken into account, and quantum phenomena as Parities and entanglements and interactions.

And what density of displacement current and conductivity will always depend on these agents proposed by Graceli.

And what electric charge is not conserved, for it is constantly in random variations, interactions, and entropies.

For particles in turn are also in interactions and transformations, and in variational spins with modifications with other particle charges. Therefore, there is no conservation of loads and currents, as well as currents and conductivity.

Graceli's quantum relativistic electromagnetodynamics.

That is, if one has the quantum relativistic electromagnetodynamics of Graceli. [Where relativity lies in the variations and numbers of agents involved. And quantum in the quantum phenomena involved in the electromagnetodynamic system.

Thus, fields and potentials are variants at an infinitesimal level, that is, a variant system is formed within the system's own variability.

There is no density of zero charge, since, as already argued above, there is no vacuum, or system free from the action of forces and charges, because in all systems one has radiation and also gravity. And that everyone has actions on photons, light shape, speed and electromagnetism and conductivity and currents, and potential actions of charges.

Thus, volumetric charge density, current density, and conductivity, charge fluxes, and wave frequency oscillations will always be positive, above zero. However, always variants.

This challenges Maxwell's four equations.

Efeitologia Graceli 37.

Spectrology Graceli, and spectrophotometric effect ..

Where the colors of light have their own and different variations on the actions of electricity, and even electromagnetism.

And that has different and varied actions on the photoelectric effect of Einstein, and the radio-electric effect of Graceli, and the entropytrophotropic effect of Graceli, thus forming, the integrated photo-electric spectrum effect of Graceli.

Where colors meet in momentum, density and potentials varied and proper, and with entropies and dilations also varied.

That is, if an integrated relativism is formed, a relation between spectrum [colors and chromodynamics], thermodynamics and also with electromagnetism is formed.

And so the spectrophotometric effect also appears.

And with variations for movements and transverse undulations, that is, a relation with the optics is formed. And spectral optics is formed.

That is, spectrophysics emerges as a new branch within physics, as well as variational entropy.

The spectrum determines intensity of waves, powers of interactions and actions on the black body, as well as actions of electromagnetism.

The same happens with the action of the entropy and potential of dilation and radiation in which is determined wave, light, or electricity.
That is, if it has a variant and relativistic system.

And that besides the gravity that breaks with the vacuum, one also has the spectrum of light and electricity and its entropy producing variations in the own electricity, currents, conductivity, and momentum and oscillatory flows.

The spectrum also has variations on the refraction and the reflection, that is, it has variations on the optics. That is, an integrated relationship is also formed with optics.

Thus, it is impossible to exist a monochromatic wave, because every photon carries with it a color and intensity of energy and interaction and that is also in transformation at every minute instant.

Sine effect Graceli. Efeitology 38, 39, 40.
The sinusoidal variation suffers an effect of form, intensity, variation, and direction and direction, and frequency of movements and waves according to the spectrum, electromagnetic entropy, electromagnetic dilatation, and the infinitesimal variations involving materials and relativistic quantum phenomena of Graceli.

And indeed also on the conductivity and electric and magnetic currents, their momentums, and actions on electron behaviors with charged ions or not.

That is, if there are two types of fundamental effects in this case:

The on of the sine wave variations, and on the effects they pass on and transfer to magnetic currents and conductivity.

Ephesiology 40. Transcendent quantum indeterminacy.

And that leads to an effect of indeterminality at an infinitesimal and transinterative level among other phenomena, and that involves sinusoidal variation suffers an effect of shape, intensity, variation, and direction, and frequency of movements and waves according to the spectrum, electromagnetic entropy, Electromagnetic, and the infinitesimal variations involving materials and relativistic quantum phenomena of Graceli.

On non-conservation of cargo and uncertainty.

In a system in operation, conductivity, current, interaction, or even within a particle the charge is never conserved, even interacting with another, or even that it can not remain the same for a long time, since it is constantly Being bombarded by energies of other particles.

With this too energy is not conserved, as well as momentum, spins, and other phenomena.

And that one can not speak with certainty about a supposed conservation, therefore, if it has many agents, phenomena, and variational structures involved.

In a closed system or even in interaction with other systems it is impossible to quantify, and to assure the energy, loads and their maintenance, as well as the flows of energies and momentum involved.

This also serves for electrical and magnetic flux within currents, conductivity, or even in photons. And since spectra, entropies, and photon dilations also determine this instability of uncertainties.

Leading to other uncertainty, and uncertainty of intensity, quantity, and production and radiation reach during the processes.

With this we have by a prism the non-conservation and the uncertainty of charges, energies, and momentum. Mainly by the quantum phenomena, and the quantum relativistic phenomena of Graceli.

There is no fully reflected radiation, and no fully absorbed energy, this varies according to conditions involving materials, radioactive, thermal, entropic potentials, and relativistic quantum phenomena of Graceli.

Law for variability.
Law Graceli's variability for inversion.

As also does not follow a law of the inverse of the square, therefore, it will depend on these agents mentioned for reflected radiation, that is, follows a variability and transcendentality, where there is no fixed number for the inversion, but rather, variational numbers with infinitesimal patterns .

This may be for particles, gases, or even elastic and inelastic materials.

One of the strong points of Graceli's electromagnetism and electrodynamics is that it confirms the variance of the speed of light, or confirms that gravity is also within a supposedly vacuum system. That is, there is no vacuum.
Another point is that gravity is curved, and suffers the action of the masses and energies, that is, gravity itself is relative and variational.

That is, he challenges Maxwell's restricted relativity and electrodynamics.

For, it depends on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the vacuum. And if there is no vacuum, log, it becomes inconsistent.

And it becomes a variational and curved electrodynamics with the action of masses on the propagation of electromagnetic waves and photons, both in space and in a supposed [non-existent] vacuum.

These interactions also happen within the particles with direct actions on charges and currents, and conductivity, where it involves both weak and strong, and electromagnetic forces.

Thus, there is no limiting speed for all phenomena, since photons and electromagnetic waves suffer the influence of gravity, energies, masses, and other forces within matter itself.

Relativity and quantum variability in conductivity.

Conductivity depends on the types of materials and their patterns of expansion potentials, entropy spectra, refraction, and entanglements and parities, transformations, decays, and interactions.

That is, if it has a relativistic conductivity where the electromagnetism depends on conditions, materials and quantum phenomena involved in the conductivity process.

Thus, conductivity is relativistic and at the same time quantum and indeterminate in time, space, momentum, intensity, and random and oscillatory fluxes.

And that also varies in proper states of matter, energies, entropies, spectra, refraction, and other phenomena.

And with its own effects for each phase and potentiality in which it exists.
Thus, the conductivity is relative and quantum transcendent according to the parameters of Graceli.

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